Alan Fowler
From Reconciling understandings of Scripture and Science
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- The Irony of Christadelphian YEC — (extract from a letter to the Testimony Magazine, June 2002)
- Author of Twenty Essays in a Search for Truth
- Alan Fowler on the question "What is Truth?"
- Problems with Literal Readings of Genesis 1:1 to 2:3 — literal reading of Day 6 impossible
- Problems with Literal Readings of Genesis 2:4-3:24
- Genesis 1:21
- Romans 5:12-21
- Revelation 22:1-2,14
- Christadelphian acceptance of Microevolution
- "after their kind"
- Baraminology
- Creation in six days?
- Historical Christadelphian Approaches - 4
- Historical Christadelphian Approaches - 6
- Historical Christadelphian Approaches - 7
- Historical Christadelphian Approaches - 11
- Literal Reading
- MCo:The Image and Likeness of God
- Reconciliation challenge: a literal single male ancestor, or modern science? (Acts 17:26)
- Response to IEAC Creation Statement/1
- Species
- The Tree of Life
- The "Gap Theory"