Daily Bible Readings 10th March

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  • Leviticus 17,18
  • Ps 119:41-80
  • Luke 1
    discussion relevant to this wiki
 * In saying "the life of the flesh is in the blood" does Leviticus anticipate modern science? Would the verse have meant the same thing to Moses that it means to modern people? Is there a risk in reading modern scientific knowledge into the Bible?
 * Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. (Psalm 119:73, KJV)
— Of whom is the Psalmist speaking? Of himself? Of Adam? Is it literally true? Was it, necessarily? Or is this psalm for all of us?

Edit this page to add discussion about the Daily Readings relevant to this wiki. However the New Testament readings are visited twice a year, so please put discussion and comments about Luke 1 on page DR:N310_909, which is automatically embedded here. (Click to leave this page and edit it.)