Daily Bible Readings 21st June

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 * On a literal reading, God plays some active part in Ruth's conception (4:3). Similarly, in Exodus 23:26 God promises to play a part in the successful pregnancy of livestock. Are these verses relevant to how we should understand so-called "Theistic Evolution"? — was Ruth a "Theistic Embryologist"? Compare these verses.
 * What lessons can we take from Isaiah 45:7-12 when we are considering controversies about Creation? Are there lessons in how the prophet says it as well as what he says?
 * Who, precisely, was created according to your translation of Isaiah 45:12 — "man", "humankind", "Adam" . . .  Is there something to learn? You might like to consider "adam" the common noun.
 * The tree of life (Rev. 2:7) is mentioned more than once in Genesis, Proverbs and Revelation. Can it be literal, metaphorical and/or symbolic, depending on context? See the list of passages here.

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