Daily Bible Readings 22nd July

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 * What are the two houses mentioned in today's reading from 2 Samuel? One is a building, and the other is a living family. One well known interpretation of Genesis 1:1-2:3 is as the creation of a dwelling to be lived in by all God's creatures, culminating in humankind — using the literary structure of the working week. Does 2 Samuel 7 shed light on that in any way?
 * Jesus' mention of "the blood of righteous Abel" in our Matthew reading has been used to suggest that early Genesis must be read literally. The line of argument is that Jesus would not have mentioned the murder of Abel unless he understood Genesis 4 as a historical record to be read literally; and so therefore we must understand it that way. Do you agree with this line of argument? Would you apply the same argument to everything that Jesus alluded to in the Hebrew Bible? Did Jesus believe that Abel's blood literally cried to God from the ground, as verse 10 says, after he had been murdered? Would you apply this line of argument to Jude v.9?

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