Daily Bible Readings 4th August
From Reconciling understandings of Scripture and Science
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* How do you understand the reference to God's nostrils in 2 Samuel 22? Is it literal? What about the "foundations of the earth"? The Bible does not merely state plainly that the Earth has foundations, it says why it has foundations — see here! Do we make arbitrary decisions about how literally we read, and what we explain away? What is our attitude to other people's decisions about whether to read particular verses literally?
* Do you agree with brother Dan Weatherall that arguments about science in Genesis are analogous to meat and drink in Romans 14 rather than to righteousness, and peace, and joy?
Edit this page to add discussion about the Daily Readings relevant to this wiki. However the New Testament readings are visited twice a year, so please put discussion and comments about Romans 13,14 on page DR:N203_804, which is automatically embedded here. (Click to leave this page and edit it.) {{Ak|