Daily Bible Readings 7th January
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- Genesis 13,14
- Psalm 17
- Matthew 9
— discussion relevant to this wiki —
* Is Genesis 13:14 helpful for dealing with Biblical references to the ancient Canaanite God Zaphon?
* Melchizedek (Genesis 14) was priest of El Elyon — for polytheists, a competitor of Yahweh's. What does Abram say about El Elyon in his reply to Melchizedek's blessing? (Is 1 Corinthians 12:31 relevant?)
* In Matthew 9, what can we learn about weighing evidence wisely from the contrast between the crowds and the Pharisees? See Critical Thinking.
Edit this page to add discussion about the Daily Readings relevant to this wiki. However the New Testament readings are visited twice a year, so please put discussion and comments about Matthew 10 on page DR:N107_708, which is automatically embedded here. (Click to leave this page and edit it.)