Daily Bible Readings 8th January

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  • Genesis 15,16
  • Psalm 18
  • Matthew 10
    discussion relevant to this wiki
 * Does the night sky inspire faith, or does it need a promise to go with it? (Genesis 15:5-6)
 * How should we compare Abram's tardemah ("deep sleep") with Adam's (Genesis 2:20-23), Eliphaz's and Daniel's? Do we learn anything about Eve from the comparison?
 * Matthew 10 - Do we take the unclean spirits, diseases and infirmities literally? On what criteria should we decide? If Jesus' comparisons with sheep, wolves, serpents and doves are not to be read literally, how can we take them as implying a literal reading of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, or Noah's dove? See here.
 * See Bro Alan Eyre's comments about Matthew 10:29, as well as Matthew 6:26 etc., here"This is far beyond science. This takes real faith . . . " Do you agree with him about God's intention to convey "deeper spiritual truths" in Genesis?

Edit this page to add discussion about the Daily Readings relevant to this wiki. However the New Testament readings are visited twice a year, so please put discussion and comments about Matthew 10 on page DR:N108_709, which is automatically embedded here. (Click to leave this page and edit it.) {{Ak|