From Reconciling understandings of Scripture and Science
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- 1:5 — Geocentrism not Theistic Heliocentrism
- 3:2-8 — many merisms
- 3:18-21 — all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. The Breath of Life
- 5:15 — we must return to the earth, naked as we came
- 7:11-13 — Critical thinking and science
- 9:11 — randomness in the created world
- 11:5 — humility needed for reflecting on the early Genesis narrative; God's spirit at work in nature
- 12:2 — the four sources of light as understood in Bible times
- 12:5 — example of the Hebrew word adam used to refer generically to people.
- 12:7 — the dust will return to the earth as it was. The Breath of Life