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← to Old Testament

5:22-23Asking the hard questions
6:16-20Compressed Genealogies
14:21 — allusions to Creation in the Exodus narrative
16:23 — debatable literal interpretation
16:34 — Genesis as composite text
17:6 — the Rock that Followed
20:4The waters above and below the earth
20:11In six days
20:8-11The Sabbath Week in Exodus
23:20 — part of a composite New Testament reference.
23:26 — relevant to Theistic Embryology
24:9-11 — a vision (and experience?) of The Firmament
31:12-17creation in six days; passage not read literally by Jesus
33:20-23The Image and Likeness of God
39:3 — relevant to The Firmament — how firm was the firmament believed to be?
39:32,42-43 — the Temple was a microcosm of the world