Geography of Eden

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suggestion by Glenn Morton:


So, is the geography of Eden real? I hope to show that it was real, and that geography has changed, and the description of Eden no longer fits today. But it is going to stretch the comfort of many.

The question I have come to is “How on earth did Genesis 2:8-13 come to describe the geography of the eastern Mediterranean sea bottom, which at the time was dry land during the Messinian Salinity Crisis?” And that location for Eden lies in the only flood in geologic history that is local, and matches precisely the description provided by Genesis 7 and 8.

This would date the Flood to the time of the Zanclean Flood, more than 5 million years ago, and the events of Genesis 2 presumably before that!

Morton finished writing a book about this interpretation just before his death on 2020: The Historicity of Genesis. The web page linked above has considerable detail and maps.

Some more plausible attempts to identify literal rivers corresponding to Genesis 2:8-14 are gathered by Roger Evans at The Eden Temple.

See The Rivers of Eden.