Glenn R. Morton
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Glenn R. Morton (1950-2020)
- Geophysicist
- Believed Young Earth Creationism, wrote frequent articles for ICR's Creation Research Society Quarterly
- Gradually concluded that YEC is wrong
- Subsequently invented the concept of Morton’s Demon to explain how he was able to resist evidence that YEC is not true.
- Wrote The Transformation of a Young-Earth Creationist for the American Science Affiliation, describing his change to Old Earth Creationism and crediting Alan Hayward's Creation and Evolution for helping him to keep belief in God. This article is also republished here as of October 2020 and at Peaceful Science by way of obituary, with discussion following. A personal memoir of him is at Panda's Thumb.
- A link to his suggestion for an actual geographical garden of Eden corresponding to a literal reading of Genesis is at Geography of Eden.
- A partial collection of his writings is here.