1 Corinthians
From Reconciling understandings of Scripture and Science
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- 1:9-15 — prohibition of contentiousness — applied here to current controversy
- 1:18-31 — the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world
- 1:21 — The place of scientific experience
- 2:1-8 — the wisdom of men or the power of God
- 2:10-12 — the spirit of God, the spirit of man
- 3:11 — relative insignificance of questions about evolution
- 3:19-21 — "the wisdom of the world"
- 4:10 — "fools for Christ's sake" said not to accept evolution (R. Cowie)
- 6:16 — Adam and Eve related to modern Christians, but cited as "accepting" events of early Genesis "as literally true"
- 10:1-4— the "rock that followed"
- 11:7-12 — cited to back the claim that Adam was not created “after his kind”, said to "accept" events of early Genesis "as literally true"
- 13:12 — against dogmatism
- 14:37 — spiritual wisdom
- 15:3 — Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures
- 15:12-19 — cited in contrast with "Adam-based faith"
- 15:21-22 — "since by man came death..." — Do Pauline epistles require Adam to be historical?; two reasons people die (The Fourth Conversation)
- 15:35-41 — q.v. for link: cited to show that Adam was not created “after his kind” as other creatures
- 15:42-50 — text of vv42-50 from KJV
- 15:45-46 — Do Pauline epistles require Adam to be historical?
- 15:47 — F.F. Bruce: "a man of dust" (the "first man")
- 15:53-56 — entry of sin and death into the world