Navigating this site

From Reconciling understandings of Scripture and Science
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  • What links here relates to the page that you are viewing — so if you click it now, you will see a list of pages that link to this page, i.e. "Navigating this site"
  • Upload file — not relevant to navigation
  • Special pages links to an index of many useful pages
  • Page information gives information about the page that you are viewing at the time
  • (sometimes not visible) Related changes gives recent changes in pages linked to the page you are viewing
  • (sometimes not visible) Printable version gives a printable version of the page you are viewing
  • (sometimes not visible) Permanent link gives an internet link to the page you are viewing

Our special links

Also on the left on each page — our own modified index links

Our Task

  • What we resolved links to our resolutions of 4th March 2018 and 21st April 2019, which resulted in the creation of this wiki
  • Many perspectives gives an overview of positions and beliefs with respect to Scripture and Science
  • Christadelphians cited lists all Christadelphians cited in this wiki — please help keep it up to date!
  • Our process — the structured processes by which we intended to treat the task methodically as "PQRC" (Problems, Questions, and Reconciliation Challenges): now of historical interest only
  • Current topics — links to unfinished PQRC tasks
  • Topics considered — completed PQRC tasks

Special Areas

  • Bible Index lists all citations from the Bible in this wiki — please help keep it up to date!
  • QMS: Questioning Mainstream Science — an area for discussion based on assumptions that are contrary to mainstream 21st Century science
  • MCo: "Many Counsellors" pages — pages from an old wiki that discussed related topics
  • BASF links — lists references in this wiki to the BASF, and Bible verses listed in support of BASF clauses