Tardemah - תרדמה

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  • Abram's "horror of great darkness" and vision
  • Adam's "deep sleep" (and vision?)

Adam's Deep Sleep — John H. Walton's view that Genesis does not deal with the material origin of woman
Genesis 2:21-22
Abram's: Genesis 15:12-17
Eliphaz's: Job 4:12-17
Elihu's description and explanation of tardemah at Job 33:12-20
In Isaiah 29:7-12 it is used in contrast with more normal, pleasant sleep

See also John Walton's interesting "Hebrew Corner" page about tardemah. An extract:

The Hebrew noun, tardemah, occurs a handful of times: Gen 2:21; Gen 15:12; 1 Sam 26:12; Job 4:13; Job 33:15; Pr 19:15; Isa 29:10. Its related verbal root, rdm is also attested in Judg 4:21; Ps 76:6 (poetic for death); Pr 10:5; Dan 8:18; 10:9; Jon 1:5-6. It is not always wise to combine noun and verb occurrences in a single study because sometimes they develop in independent directions of meaning despite their common root. It is therefore essential that noun and verb forms initially be studied independently to discover whether they have retained similar semantic ranges. If this is so, as it is here, the database can be built including both forms.