DR:N427 A27

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Acts 3,4
Edit this page to add comments on the New Testament readings for 27th April and 27th October.
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 * Today's readings give an example of an interesting difference between the Testaments in the tenses of verbs:
¶ Acts ch 4 records the early disciples praising God as the one who made heaven, earth, the sea and everything in them: Past Tense.
¶ Similar praise in the Old Testament, however, frequently uses the Present Tense: for example Psalm 104 praises the Creator who stretches out the heavens . . . , lays the beams of his chambers in the waters: who makes the clouds his chariot, . . .  walks upon the wings of the wind . . .  In Zechariah 12:1 God stretches out the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth, and forms the human spirit . . . 
Is there an explanation for this change?