Daily Bible Readings 30th March

From Reconciling understandings of Scripture and Science
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Daily Readings, 30th March

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  • Numbers 12,13
  • Proverbs 8,9
  • Luke 22
    discussion relevant to this wiki
 * Do the Nephilim in Numbers 13 account for the phrase "and also after that" in Genesis 6:4? If so, what would be implied?

See the Proverbs index of many topics relevant to this wiki. The following are a sample from today's readings.

 * What was God's first creation, before the Earth, according to Proverbs 8? Might the Lord Jesus have had this record of creation in mind, when he prayed the prayer of John 17? Are there hints of it in the first verses of Genesis?
 * Do you detect ancient geocentric beliefs in the creation record of Proverbs 8?
 * Can Proverbs 9:9-10 be helpful in matters relating to science and faith?

Edit this page to add discussion about the Daily Readings relevant to this wiki. However the New Testament readings are visited twice a year, so please put discussion and comments about Luke 22 on page DR:N330_929, which is automatically embedded here. (Click to leave this page and edit it.) {{Ak|