"Challenges to Faith" Conference: Ron Cowie, "Theistic Evolution"

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Note to people who arrive here from search engines: the purpose of this website is to explore reconciliation of the Bible and Science; this talk illustrates a contrary view.

This virtual youth conference was broadcast by Zoom on 12th March, 2021. There was no live audience, hence no interaction, but we can make up for that here, perhaps, with as much interaction as interested Christadelphians want.

Click here to follow the slides consecutively; alternatively click on the page numbers below on this page, in the left hand column of the table "All scriptures cited".

A printer-friendly collation of these "dialog" pages is at R Cowie "Theistic Evolution" 2021 responses.

An Artificial Intelligence Response

"Overall, the argument presented is based on subjective interpretations, lacks logical coherence, and fails to provide substantial evidence to support its claims. It is important to critically evaluate arguments and consider alternative viewpoints before accepting them as valid."

— says chatGPT!

Scripture cited against evolution of species

Bible reference Purpose of citation
Psalm 33:6 Said to support instantaneous creation — not against evolution directly — but even so, see this note re Ps. 68 there!

Comment: In contrast, as of March 2023, more than 750 Bible References are considered in this wiki, from diverse perspectives, including many that support the science of Biology with all its detail. Also note that a great deal of new evidence for evolution has been found since Darwin's time. Please continue the discussion here! — Bruce

Note: as of April 2023 brother Ron is unwilling to discuss evolution or offer any other Scripture against it.
Pages entitled "In dialog with brother Ron Cowie ..." were too optimistic and are being renamed.

Assumptions against evolution of species

Assumption Discussion or Justification
Bible verses can be read literally if it suits us

(NB. We're documenting assumed or implied disproofs here, not accusations against people.)

All scriptures cited

Scripture(s) cited reason(s) for the citation relevant links
001 — Why are we talking about this? Jude 3-4 encouraging vigorous defense of the faith against certain ungodly persons who have crept in
002 — a warning to believers 2 Timothy 2:15-18 claims evolution is ungodly, infectious, and disturbing to faith
003 — God-directed evolution
004 — Bible truth matters Colossians 1:5-6, James 1:18 equating denial of evolution with the truth of the Gospel
005 — why true doctrine matters Galatians 1:6-8 a curse on Christadelphians who accept evolution
006 — doctrine is important 2 Peter 3:16-18 be careful! they wrest scripture
007 — What is theistic evolution?
008 — Charles Darwin did not agree with theistic evolution
009 — noted atheist Richard Dawkins on theistic evolution
010 — where the debate is happening
011 — reasons this has arisen
012 — theistic evolution believes [sic]
013 — Bro Jonathon [sic] Burke - 2013
014 — theistic evolutionists say . . . 
015 — the Bible always true, though often misread
016 — what TE supporters believe
017 — Bro Jonathon [sic] Burke - 2013
018 — TE expressed in simple terms
019 — two major TE propositions
020 — TE reading the Bible wrongly
021 — evolutionary creationism
022 — at the extremes . . .  some say
023 — why some very intelligent Christadelphians accept TE
024 — what these ideas mean for our reading of the Bible
025 — evolution accepted as fact – in their own words – TE supporters say
026 — why this has surfaced now
027 — theistic evolution concludes . . . 
028 — some implications of TE belief
029 — methods TE teachers employ
030 — must we prove science wrong? Psalm 33:6, Isaiah 8:19 Ps 33 cited to support instantaneous creation in the beginning;
Isaiah 8 probably misquoted (q.v.) — in any case irrelevant
031 — how readest thou?
032 — Tactic 2 – the two books (Psalm 19) (rejects the "Two Books" interpretation of this psalm without explicit reference)
033 — theistic evolution's foundation
034 — the TE view on Genesis
035 — the Bible and Science? (“the worldwide Bible Flood”) ”totally destroys” scientific dating methods
036 — Follow the Bible – not the guesswork of science
037 — why this matters . . . 
038 — Does this really matter? Some implications of accepting TE are . . . 
039 — What the Bible clearly says . . .  Psalm 33:6 (repeated)
040 — guard the deposit
041 — the Nicolaitines [sic] – Dr Thomas
042 — the oppositions of "science" – falsely so called – 1 Tim 6v20 1 Timothy 6:20 science is opposed to truth
043 — God has Chosen . . .  1 Corinthians 1:26-29 those who argue against evolution should not be intimidated by the science or “intellect”
044 — the coming humiliation of evolutionists of all kinds Jeremiah 16:19, Isaiah 25:7 evolutionists will be discredited and humiliated
045 — the question is all about belief 1 Corinthians 4:10 believe “fools for Christ’s sake”, not scientific authority
046 — what should ecclesias do?
047 — the danger of arguing science
048 — the Watford conclusion
049 — the Watford statement
050 — the warning against error Romans 16:17-19 avoid evolutionists
051 — it is not a time to change Colossians 1:23 hold fast to the gospel and deny evolution — did God mislead all past generations?
052 — the final warning Revelation 22:18-20 curses on those who change the words of prophecy
053 — our resolve 1 Corinthians 2:5 Trust the power of God, not the wisdom of men