Christadelphian Answers

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"Christadelphian Answers" was a website, now defunct; it was last preserved by on 20th September 2019. Contributors and/or writers cited were Ron Cowie, Andrew Dangerfield, Grace H, Kel Hammond, Paul Harrington, Steven Harrington, Allan Harrison, Geoff Henstock, Stephen Hughes, James McCann, Michael O'Callaghan, John Pople, Harry Tennant.

Its approach

Its manifesto read thus:

The decreasing knowledge of, and confidence in, the Bible in western society has coincided with an huge increase in the respect for science and its speculations about the origins of life.

The challenge of Darwinian evolution, and the atheism which it sponsored, has been with us for 150 years and in recent times has been championed by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and other notable anti-religion businesses. Savvy in the use of publishing and the media they have spread disbelief in God the Creator far and wide.

Tragically we now find that even amongst the ranks of supposedly Bible based communities, including Christadelphians, we have determined attempts being made to make science and the Bible harmonise. This inevitably means re-interpreting the Bible to accommodate scientific conclusions.

This push to incorporate evolution stems from an overly strong respect for science and its conclusions about the way life on this planet started. This movement is known as Theistic Evolution, but prefers to be known as “Evolutionary Creationists”. These promoters of Theistic Evolution are found in a number of countries.

Their strength is the ability to effectively utilize the internet that makes it possible to reach thousands of individuals by using various social networking mediums.

This site collects articles written by Christadelphians who believe in Special Creation.

It is designed to both provide answers to the Naturalistic Science, to Evolutionary Creationists and to the anti-religion industry. It will also publish articles on matters of interest to Christadelphians.

Though at times we will have to provide scientific argument (and its need for detailed cross-referencing) the approach is to provide mainly Bible based answers to questions that arise.

We have also written most articles with a younger audience in mind.

Contributions are welcomed form those who support Special Creation.

This site is not a chat room, or debating platform, but a contact email address is provided and any comments and criticisms are welcomed. We want to make this site as accurate as possible.


Responses from Ken Gilmore

Brother Ken Gilmore critiqued posts from the site on his blog Christadelphian Evolution

A personal response

I am sorry to see the demise of "Christadelphian Answers". Naturally I disagreed with them about many things but I believe that "in an abundance of counsellors there is safety," as we learn from Proverbs 11:14. The publishers of "Christadelphian Answers" attempted to argue against biological evolution from the Bible, which is one of the approaches that we want to document on this site, verse by verse. They would be very welcome here. "Iron sharpens iron." — Bruce