Seventh Day Adventist doctrines of Origins
In this wiki
- At Genesis 1:6-10 — Link to paper THE MYTH OF THE SOLID HEAVENLY DOME: ANOTHER LOOK AT THE HEBREW רקיע (RĀQÎA‘) prepared for a Seventh Day Adventist conference.
Not always Young Earth Creationists
Henry M. Morris, co-author of The Genesis Flood, writing in 2004, said:
I can remember when there were literally no books available that defended the Biblical teaching that the universe had been created in six literal days about six thousand or so years ago. Seventh-Day Adventists did in most cases take the six days literally, but even they tended to believe in a very old universe. Many of their scientist members also taught that the non-fossiliferous rocks of the earth's crust had been formed long before the six days, as evidenced by the standard radiometric dating of these crustal rocks. But that was sixty years ago.
—Henry M. Morris, The Anti-Creationists
- Wikipedia section on Seventh Day Adventist creationism: here.
- From, an official church website:
- intelligent design, recent creation in seven literal days and global flood
- Global Flood is essential, fitting into the picture of a cosmic battle
- Institute for Creation Research — but more detail and historical facts at their Wikipedia page
- From the Geoscience Research Institute, which "uses both science and revelation to study the question of origins" serving the Seventh-day Adventist church in the areas of research and communication:
- Flood Geology
- George McCready Price's ministry and his book The New Geology; the Deluge Geology Society. (Henry Morris, co-author of The Genesis Flood (1961) extended Price's belief in recent creation of the Earth to the entire Universe.)
- Discussion on the Biologos Forum of YEC's Roots in Seventh Day Adventism
Christadelphian response
- Brother Alan Hayward and others warned against YEC and The Genesis Flood in the 1960s.
Brethren who prefer to believe in “Flood Geology” [i.e. a global Flood that shaped the surface of the world] and a young universe are entitled to do so. But they should not delude themselves that such views are a part of historical Christadelphianism.
— Hayward, A, Our Pioneers' Views on Geology,
The Christadelphian, Vol. 120 (Birmingham: CMPA, 1983), p. 429
cited here (requires Google account).
- Should Christadelphians reject the sciences, become biblical literalists, or teach ‘young earth creationism’? by bro Alan Eyre
- See The waters above and below at Genesis 1:6-10 and follow the chain of references.
TODO : get more, earlier - these quotes from AH and AE are 1980s