Qms:"true science"

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QMS: Questioning Mainstream Science
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The concept of "true science"

What does "true science" mean in this extract from an editorial in The Christadelphian Magazine, 1898?

. . . The doctors are all in a muddle from ignorance of what the Bible teaches. They imagine it teaches Platonic disembodied ghostism, and the creation of the earth 6,000 years ago. Let the truth be known, and Jew and Gentile would gladly re-echo Professor Huxley when he said: "True science and true religion are twin sisters, and the separation of either is sure to prove the death of both. Science prospers exactly in proportion as it is religious, and religion flourishes in exact proportion to the scientific depth and firmness of its basis. The great deeds of philosophers have been less the fruit of their intellect than of the direction of that intellect by an eminently religious tone of mind." What Professor Huxley meant by "true religion" is open to doubt. It is certain he did not mean what the Bible means by it, but his remark is true in the abstract, and true of the Bible—that there is no conflict between the Bible and true science. But we justifiably go a step further, and say, if there was conflict between the two, the Bible, in all the circumstances of the case, would have the preference in the decisions of fully-informed and logical minds.

The Christadelphian, v.35 p.73, 1898

"No true Scotsman"

The concept of "true science" is frequently used in a way that invites mention of the "No true Scotsman" argument: if we redefine "science" so that by definition it cannot contradict any given concept, then by definition anything that contradicts it cannot be science. Similarly if we define any concept or belief, including beliefs derived from the Bible, to be necessarily true, then everything that contradicts it must be false. Both of these cases depend on a superhuman perfection of knowledge, reasoning and understanding. See "No true Scotsman". — BP

Examples of references to "true science"

  • Bowden, Malcolm, True Science Agrees with the Bible
Listed at AbeBooks and Amazon. Also available in pdf format from [1].

As the reader will discover, Bowden covers a wide range of material, including a survey of Genesis, archaeological discoveries, the age of the earth, early British Christianity and the founding of Britain, and a critique of Einstein’s theories of relativity, just to name a few. Bowden’s position on a few subjects may be controversial, but he provides a careful, thorough defense of his acceptance or rejection of the subject in question.

— from Foreword by Duane T. Gish, PhD, Institute for Creation Research
True Science Agrees with the Bible is dedicated to creation scientist Barry Setterfield, who claims to show that the speed of light is slowing:

"Barry Setterfield has laboured long and hard in several areas of importance to Christians, in matters doctrinal, theological, geological, astronomical and others. But this dedication is for his original pioneering work in the decrease in the speed of light. For this, he has had little recognition of his wide scientific abilities, his industry and input, and this book attempts, in some small measure, to correct this situation."

Editorial statements in Lampstand magazine

In some quarters today there is an attempt being made to blend evolution with Creation, but they are no more compatible than oil is with water, and we need to be aware of the challenge this poses to the record of Scripture. It is not that the Bible is out of harmony with true science. It is not. But the Bible does not have to be reconciled with science; rather the other way around, science with the Bible, God’s Word.

We may not have all the answers to questions that have arisen from recent “discoveries”, which are often confusing and contradictory at any rate. What we do know is that the Bible and true science are harmonious. Our affinity is with the record of Scripture, the way in which it was read and understood by Moses and the prophets, by the Lord Jesus and the apostles; and their belief is clear, without contradiction and, what is absolutely conclusive, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Lampstand, Creation and Inspiration, vol 16 no 6, 2010
(as of February 2024, hidden behind paywall)

"True science" in this wiki

  • User:Jacaf's Objections to Evolution are all prefaced by statements along these lines:

    The question to be addressed is regarding Science and the bible. True science will not contradict the bible, but the question which needs to be addressed is whether Evolution is actually true science?

  • For a claim published in the The Bible Magazine that "the evolutionist ignores and many times suppresses the real scientific evidence that shows the theory of evolution to be false" see at Amos 3:7.
  • The concept of true science is implied in this discussion in the distinction between "bad science" and "good science".