Qms:Disproving the Science

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QMS: Questioning Mainstream Science
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Ron Abel's Wrested Scriptures

Bro Ron Abel gave advice in his book Wrested Scriptures for arguing against scientists "on their own ground":

Many Christians feel an uneasiness about tackling an evolutionist on his own ground. There is usually good reason for this, since one may lack familiarity with the specialized language and data of a particular area of science. The Bible student is far more competent to expound the great Truths of the written Word. Amateur though he may be, there is no monopoly on logic. Every believer should equip himself with sufficient knowledge to clearly formulate the kind of evidence which would be required to reasonably support evolution. Any evidence which may be raised (even if previously unknown) may then be considered in discussion on evolution to avoid the wrangling which can occur over insignificant or even irrelevant considerations. The ground can then be cleared for constructive Biblical teaching to follow.

His Suggested Strategy, described in modern terms, began with conceding limited speciation, which he defines as gradual change over time and horizontal differentiation, and to argue against "vertical evolution", which he defined as the development of existing forms from a few primitive forms with increasing complexity and development through the ages.

Having insisted on these definitions, his suggested strategy was to attack "vertical evolution" on paleontological, morphological and anatomical, embryological and genetic grounds, discounting any evidence that could be seen as merely supporting gradual change over time and horizontal differentiation.

Evolutionary Creationist response

Christadelphian Evolutionary Creationist blogger Dr Ken Gilmore argues against his approach in six blog posts beginning here.

Bro Griffith's arguments against the spherical earth

In an exchange published in the Christadelphian Magazine Bro T Griffiths argued on scriptural and scientific grounds against the belief in a spherical earth defended by the editor, Bro C. C. Walker.

Qms:Is it wrong to believe that the earth is a sphere?

His subsequent letter "Axiomata"

Comparison of Flat Earth and YEC beliefs

Old Earth and Evolutionary Creationists see similarities between YEC and belief in a Flat Earth. How close the similarities are was illustrated by Jay Johnson, a guest contributor to Professor Joel Duff's blog "Natural Historian". Johnson took an Answers in Genesis essay against Flat Earth beliefs and turned it into a coherent polemic against Young Earth beliefs, by making only five search-and-replace substitutions. He replaced

  • “flat” by “young”
  • “shape” by “age”
  • “a sphere” by “old”
  • “a globe” by “old” and
  • “astronomy” by “geology”

The result can be seen at Ignoring the Plank: A Young-Earth Apologist Inadvertently Writes a Brilliant Critique of Young-Earth Creationism.