Daily Bible Readings 1st July

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Daily Readings, 1st July

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 * Paul takes the phrase “a man after my heart” in 1 Samuel 13:14 and combines it with two other Old Testament verses to make what appears to be a single quotation from Scripture. How do we understand Composite References like this? Follow the links for more details, other examples, and discussion.
 * How does your translation deal with the "spirits" and "souls" of Isaiah 57:16? Many Bible passages show that God gives the breath of life to all — follow a chain of references to them from here.
 * Consider how John's vision echoes and transcends many aspects of Genesis 1:1 to 3:24The Tree of Life for example.

Edit this page to add discussion about the Daily Readings relevant to this wiki. However the New Testament readings are visited twice a year, so please put discussion and comments about Revelation 21,22 on page DR:N701_C31, which is automatically embedded here. (Click to leave this page and edit it.) {{Ak|