Daily Bible Readings 16th May

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 * Deuteronomy 33:8 mentions "sons of adam", i.e. humankind, which has been taken to refer to an individual ancestor Adam, thus conflicting with mainstream science. Follow these links for discussion.
 * The Deuteronomy reading also brings more mentions of God as "riding on the clouds" — see more references at Deuteronomy 33:26 and follow this theme from Psalm 68:4,30-31 to Daniel and possibly into the words of Jesus.
 * Isaiah 6:10 illustrates the Biblical concept of our human heart. Our understanding of the nature and capabilities of the human heart, as was understood in Bible times, can help us in our task of investigating how (or whether) Scripture can be reconciled with modern science.
 * What verse in Colossians 3 relates to the discussion of the two Biblical creations of chapter 1?
 * Is Colossians 3:9 relevant to how we conduct ourselves in matters of controversy? Must we be absolutely truthful, even to the extent of acknowledging differing perspectives and interpretations?


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