Beliefs about humans before Adam

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See also Monogenesis (descent from a single couple). It is possible that humans did exist before Adam and yet Monogenesis still be true, if all of them died out, for example in the "Gap", or otherwise have no living descendants.

Bruce (talk)
Evolutionary Creationism Old Earth Creationism Young Earth Creationism
without "gap" with "gap"


Young Earth Creationism (YEC)

Bro Ron Abel argues for Appearance of Age in Wrested Scriptures:—

There were no pre-Adamites in the earth at the time of Adam. This is indicated from the following:

"And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him." (Genesis 2:20).

Two questions arise:

1. Why only the mention of beasts which Adam named, if pre-Adamite humans existed?
2. Why no mention of pre-Adamite women?

Jesus, in reply to the Pharisees' question on divorce, said, "Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?" (Matt. 19:4-5). Jesus states that the "making" was from the "beginning of creation". (Mark 10:6). This is not the kind of language to describe the gradual evolution of man over a 30,000 year period.

Until the creation of Adam, the narrative states: "there was not a man to till the ground". (Gen. 2:5). Would this be true if there were other man-like creatures?

Adam and Eve "begat sons and daughters". (Gen. 5:4). Cain would, therefore, fear death at the hands of his brethren.

Old Earth Creationism (OEC) with "Gap"

Bro L G Sargent accepts the possibility of a pre-Adamic race, but insists they cannot be saved:

What happened to any pre-Adamic race, we cannot know; that there may have been such beings has never been denied; what we cannot admit is that they could have had any part in the Gospel of salvation as preached to the race of Adam.

Old Earth Creationism (OEC)

Evolutionary Creationism (EC)

Deism, Agnosticism and Atheism

Deists, Agnostics and Atheists generally accept the fossil record, including with respect to human pre-history.
Bruce (talk)