User talk:Colin

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Hi Colin!

There's information about various ways of formatting lists here: [1]

For example:


  1. What is Biological Evolution? Do all scientists accept it?
  2. What is Common Descent? Or What do the terms God-Directed Evolution, Theistic Evolution, Evolutionary Creationism, Creationary Evolution mean, and how do they differ?
  3. What is Science and how does it work?


  1. Do we have a common ancestor? If so, what or who is it?
  2. Why would evolution require death as part of its survival-of-the-fittest process?
  3. If death came upon Adam as a result of his disobedience, and there were other beings already around, how can you prove they are not still around?
  4. Can evolutionists explain the origin of life?
  5. What went ‘bang’ if the “Big Bang” claimed by evolutionists occurred?
  6. Is macro-evolution verifiable?
  7. Is the theory of evolution still theory or unequivocal fact?
  8. Darwin expressed doubts over gaps between species (transitional forms). Have any been found and validated beyond dispute?


  1. Was Adam an evolved being or created from the dust of the ground?
  2. Was Adam created ‘mortal’ (subject to death)? And was he prone to sin when made/formed?
  3. If Adam was evolved, with what nature was Jesus born?
  4. How could Jesus’ birth & death benefit other beings existing contemporary with Adam and afterwards?
  5. If Evolution is granted, why was there a need for Jesus’ sacrifice to redeem anyone, and what from?
  6. Was “Adam” an historical fact in light of Paul’s remarks in 1 Cor 15/21-22, 15/45; 1 Tim 2/13?
  7. Was Adam the first man?
  8. If Adam was “created” mortal, what was the sentence God brought on him for disobedience in light of Rom 5/12?


  1. Jesus quotes from Gen 1/27 & Gen 2/24 in Mark 10/6 and Matt 19/4 saying the events he speaks of happened at “the beginning”. How then are the events allegorical rather than real?

Bruce (talk) 10:27, 1 April 2018 (UTC), previously 10:23, 25 March 2018 (UTC)