DR:Daily Readings

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Daily Readings

Click here for readings for Saturday, 26 October, 2024

January February March
April May June
July August September
October November December

(Click here for Index of Bible References in this wiki.)


Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Jan 1 Genesis 1,2 Psalms 1,2 Matthew 1,2 An intricate week of text, from first to last word.
Jan 2 Genesis 3,4 Psalms 3-5 Matthew 3,4 Taking Jesus literally
Jan 3 Genesis 5,6 Psalms 6-8 Matthew 5 archetypes; witness of Creation; a surprising application of the Sermon on the Mount
Jan 4 Genesis 7,8 Psalms 9,10 Matthew 6 God after the Flood; Jesus teaches from nature
Jan 5 Genesis 9,10 Psalms 11-13 Matthew 7 family languages
Jan 6 Genesis 11,12 Psalms 14-16 Matthew 8 the self-interpreting Bible
Jan 7 Genesis 13,14 Psalm 17 Matthew 9 a dead metaphor, One God, critical thinking, weighing evidence
Jan 8 Genesis 15,16 Psalm 18 Matthew 10 spiritual truths, literal or deeper
Jan 9 Genesis 17,18 Psalms 19-21 Matthew 11 hard questions, common misconceptions, awe, an exaggeration, and deep truth
Jan 10 Genesis 19 Psalm 22 Matthew 12 strong words from Jesus
Jan 11 Genesis 20,21 Psalms 23-25 Matthew 13 "before the foundation of the world"
Jan 12 Genesis 22,23 Psalms 26-28 Matthew 14 "in thy seed . . . "
Jan 13 Genesis 24 Psalms 29,30 Matthew 15 very fair; the ultimate fulfilment of all creation
Jan 14 Genesis 25,26 Psalm 31 Matthew 16
Jan 15 Genesis 27 Psalm 32 Matthew 17 the rush of great waters
Jan 16 Genesis 28,29 Psalm 33 Matthew 18 glories of creation
Jan 17 Genesis 30 Psalm 34 Matthew 19 an argument for a literal Garden of Eden
Jan 18 Genesis 31 Psalm 35 Matthew 20 Is evolution relevant to the Atonement?
Jan 19 Genesis 32,33 Psalm 36 Matthew 21 encouragement to read the Bible carefully
Jan 20 Genesis 34,35 Psalm 37 Matthew 22
Jan 21 Genesis 36 Psalm 38 Matthew 23 Moses and Genesis; Jesus reading Genesis
Jan 22 Genesis 37 Psalms 39,40 Matthew 24 images; light shining in darkness; Jesus using an example from Genesis
Jan 23 Genesis 38 Psalms 41-43 Matthew 25
Jan 24 Genesis 39,40 Psalm 44 Matthew 26 Will Jesus be the Cloud Rider of the Old Testament?
Jan 25 Genesis 41 Psalm 45 Matthew 27
Jan 26 Genesis 42,43 Psalms 46-48 Matthew 28 from Primal Sea to ultimate future
Jan 27 Genesis 44,45 Psalm 49 Romans 1,2 God's two books
Jan 28 Genesis 46,47 Psalm 50 Romans 3,4 a convention of Bible genealogy; the sky's message
Jan 29 Genesis 48-50 Psalms 51,52 Romans 5,6 human nature and intellectual honesty
Jan 30 Exodus 1,2 Psalms 53-55 Romans 7,8 the entry of sin and death
Jan 31 Exodus 3,4 Psalms 56,57 Romans 9 the metaphor of God as a potter
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Feb 1 Exodus 5,6 Psalms 58,59 Romans 10,11 difficult questions; Biblical proof that Australians do not exist!
Feb 2 Exodus 7,8 Psalms 60,61 Romans 12
Feb 3 Exodus 9 Psalms 62,63 Romans 13,14 What really matters?
Feb 4 Exodus 10 Psalms 64,65 Romans 15,16 a Creation Record; practical advice, perhaps
Feb 5 Exodus 11,12 Psalms 66,67 Mark 1 A composite reference to the Old Testament
Feb 6 Exodus 13,14 Psalm 68 Mark 2 the new creation, the Word of God, the Lord of the Sabbath
Feb 7 Exodus 15 Psalm 69 Mark 3 demons and other mistaken beliefs
Feb 8 Exodus 16 Psalms 70,71 Mark 4 the "testimony"; letter or spirit?
Feb 9 Exodus 17,18 Psalm 72 Mark 5 the waters (and rock) of Rephidim
Feb 10 Exodus 19,20 Psalm 73 Mark 6 the waters below the earth; six days of creation, then Sabbath
Feb 11 Exodus 21 Psalm 74 Mark 7 truth in an imperfect world
Feb 12 Exodus 22 Psalms 75,76 Mark 8
Feb 13 Exodus 23 Psalm 77 Mark 9 "theistic embryology"?
Feb 14 Exodus 24,25 Psalm 78 Mark 10 visions of heavenly things
Feb 15 Exodus 26 Psalms 79,80 Mark 11
Feb 16 Exodus 27 Psalms 81,82 Mark 12 more visions of heavenly things
Feb 17 Exodus 28 Psalms 83,84 Mark 13 the salvation of Eve; argument from endorsement
Feb 18 Exodus 29 Psalms 85,86 Mark 14 How many gods are there?
Feb 19 Exodus 30 Psalms 87,88 Mark 15,16 two interestingly deep readings
Feb 20 Exodus 31,32 Psalm 89 1 Corinthians 1,2 challenges to read wisely
Feb 21 Exodus 33,34 Psalms 90,91 1 Corinthians 3 Mother Earth: evenings and mornings; faith; wisdom
Feb 22 Exodus 35 Psalms 92,93 1 Corinthians 4,5 a record of creation; geocentrism
Feb 23 Exodus 36 Psalms 94,95 1 Corinthians 6 some unexpected discussion points
Feb 24 Exodus 37 Psalms 96-99 1 Corinthians 7 words to us from a different world
Feb 25 Exodus 38 Psalms 100-101 1 Corinthians 8,9 a reading lesson
Feb 26 Exodus 39,40 Psalm 102 1 Corinthians 10 ancient cosmology; ongoing creation; the Following Rock
Feb 27 Leviticus 1,2 Psalm 103 1 Corinthians 11 earthlings; a special kind of beast
Feb 28 Leviticus 3,4 Psalm 104 1 Corinthians 12,13 wonderful psalm, but terrible consequences; wise advice
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Mar 1 Leviticus 5,6 Psalm 105 1 Corinthians 14
Mar 2 Leviticus 7 Psalm 106 1 Corinthians 15 Who is "the first man"?
Mar 3 Leviticus 8 Psalm 107 1 Corinthians 16
Mar 4 Leviticus 9,10 Psalms 108-109 2 Corinthians 1,2 sacrifice
Mar 5 Leviticus 11 Psalms 110-112 2 Corinthians 3,4 simplicity, change, growth, metaphor
Mar 6 Leviticus 12,13 Psalms 113-114 2 Corinthians 5-7 theophany past and future; two creations
Mar 7 Leviticus 14 Psalms 115-116 2 Corinthians 8,9 adam, including Adam?
Mar 8 Leviticus 15 Psalms 117-118 2 Corinthians 10,11 special pleading?
Mar 9 Leviticus 16 Psalm 119:1-40 2 Corinthians 12,13
Mar 10 Leviticus 17,18 Psalm 119:41-80 Luke 1 scientific truth?; made by God's hands
Mar 11 Leviticus 19 Psalm 119:81-128 Luke 2 a life-giving verse; Biblical cardiology
Mar 12 Leviticus 20 Psalm 119:129-176 Luke 3 a commonly misquoted verse - or two?
Mar 13 Leviticus 21 Psalms 120-124 Luke 4 powerful poetry
Mar 14 Leviticus 22 Psalms 125-127 Luke 5
Mar 15 Leviticus 23 Psalms 128-130 Luke 6 a non-literal week; facing up to demons
Mar 16 Leviticus 24 Psalms 131-134 Luke 7 truths: eternal, partial and temporary
Mar 17 Leviticus 25 Psalms 135-136 Luke 8 very long weeks; ancient cosmology
Mar 18 Leviticus 26 Psalms 137-139 Luke 9 ancient and modern beliefs
Mar 19 Leviticus 27 Psalms 140-142 Luke 10 Argument from Endorsement?
Mar 20 Numbers 1 Psalms 143-144 Luke 11 Demon possession - and how to write a Gospel. And how to read the Bible!
Mar 21 Numbers 2 Psalms 145-147 Luke 12 spirit; infinite includes small
Mar 22 Numbers 3 Psalms 148-150 Luke 13,14 Psalms of praise; Luke's technical medical language
Mar 23 Numbers 4 Proverbs 1 Luke 15 learning and careful listening
Mar 24 Numbers 5 Proverbs 2 Luke 16 argument from perceived endorsement
Mar 25 Numbers 6 Proverbs 3 Luke 17 wisdom, then and always
Mar 26 Numbers 7 Proverbs 4 Luke 18 good questions, good answers
Mar 27 Numbers 8,9 Proverbs 5 Luke 19
Mar 28 Numbers 10 Proverbs 6 Luke 20
Mar 29 Numbers 11 Proverbs 7 Luke 21
Mar 30 Numbers 12,13 Proverbs 8,9 Luke 22 the Nephilim; a creation record; and many other themes
Mar 31 Numbers 14 Proverbs 10 Luke 23 "very good"; milk and honey
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Apr 1 Numbers 15 Proverbs 11 Luke 24 some reading lessons
Apr 2 Numbers 16 Proverbs 12 Galatians 1,2 hardness
Apr 3 Numbers 17,18 Proverbs 13 Galatians 3,4 tree of life, composite references, metaphorical creation
Apr 4 Numbers 19 Proverbs 14 Galatians 5,6 critical thinking, the law of liberty, two creations
Apr 5 Numbers 20,21 Proverbs 15 Ephesians 1,2 the Following Rock, Tree of Life, foundation of the world, a new humanity
Apr 6 Numbers 22,23 Proverbs 16 Ephesians 3,4 critical thinking for complex Biblical ideas
Apr 7 Numbers 24,25 Proverbs 17 Ephesians 5,6 true, but not literally true
Apr 8 Numbers 26 Proverbs 18 Philippians 1,2 wise advice for difficult readings
Apr 9 Numbers 27 Proverbs 19 Philippians 3,4 a lot to think about
Apr 10 Numbers 28 Proverbs 20 John 1 beginnings, for ever
Apr 11 Numbers 29,30 Proverbs 21 John 2,3 a Bible concept that is not well known; a famous verse
Apr 12 Numbers 31 Proverbs 22 John 4 Bible literacy is a unique skill
Apr 13 Numbers 32 Proverbs 23 John 5 Ancient concepts about thinking & feeling; an object lesson
Apr 14 Numbers 33 Proverbs 24 John 6 idolatry?
Apr 15 Numbers 34 Proverbs 25 John 7 glorious motivation for hard work
Apr 16 Numbers 35 Proverbs 26 John 8 correct thinking
Apr 17 Numbers 36 Proverbs 27 John 9,10 he called them gods
Apr 18 Deuteronomy 1 Proverbs 28 John 11 understanding good and evil
Apr 19 Deuteronomy 2 Proverbs 29 John 12 the power of non-literal language
Apr 20 Deuteronomy 3 Proverbs 30 John 13,14 What is truth? Truth and truthfulness
Apr 21 Deuteronomy 4 Proverbs 31 John 15,16 the waters above and below; Adam
Apr 22 Deuteronomy 5 Ecclesiastes 1 John 17,18 reasons to be humble and grateful
Apr 23 Deuteronomy 6,7 Ecclesiastes 2 John 19 cosmic truth, simply expressed
Apr 24 Deuteronomy 8,9 Ecclesiastes 3 John 20,21 reading through ancient eyes
Apr 25 Deuteronomy 10,11 Ecclesiastes 4 Acts 1 "theistic"?
Apr 26 Deuteronomy 12 Ecclesiastes 5 Acts 2 of the earth, earthy
Apr 27 Deuteronomy 13,14 Ecclesiastes 6 Acts 3,4 heaven, earth and sea — made or makes?
Apr 28 Deuteronomy 15 Ecclesiastes 7 Acts 5,6 consider the work of God
Apr 29 Deuteronomy 16 Ecclesiastes 8 Acts 7
Apr 30 Deuteronomy 17 Ecclesiastes 9 Acts 8 time and chance
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

May 1 Deuteronomy 18 Ecclesiastes 10 Acts 9 background of slogan "to the Law and to the Testimony!"
May 2 Deuteronomy 19 Ecclesiastes 11 Acts 10 wisdom and humility have born fruit
May 3 Deuteronomy 20 Ecclesiastes 12 Acts 11,12 seeing the light through ancient eyes
May 4 Deuteronomy 21 Song 1 Acts 13
May 5 Deuteronomy 22 Song 2 Acts 14,15 "theistic meteorology"?
May 6 Deuteronomy 23 Song 3 Acts 16,17 Paul in Athens
May 7 Deuteronomy 24 Song 4 Acts 18,19
May 8 Deuteronomy 25 Song 5 Acts 20
May 9 Deuteronomy 26 Song 6 Acts 21,22
May 10 Deuteronomy 27 Song 7 Acts 23,24 Cain & Abel; Composite NT references
May 11 Deuteronomy 28 Song 8 Acts 25,26 "inspiration of God in the writers" (BASF)
May 12 Deuteronomy 29 Isaiah 1 Acts 27 another part of Paul's composite OT reference in Gal. 3
May 13 Deuteronomy 30 Isaiah 2 Acts 28 humankind's eternal choice
May 14 Deuteronomy 31 Isaiah 3,4 Colossians 1 "before the foundation of the world"
May 15 Deuteronomy 32 Isaiah 5 Colossians 2 God Most High, the Divine Council, "adam"; God-fearing science; a verse used against science
May 16 Deuteronomy 33,34 Isaiah 6 Colossians 3,4 "Adam", the human heart, truthfulness, two creations
May 17 Joshua 1 Isaiah 7 1 Thessalonians 1,2 Good and Evil
May 18 Joshua 2 Isaiah 8 1 Thessalonians 3,4 "To the Law and to the Testimony"
May 19 Joshua 3,4 Isaiah 9 1 Thessalonians 5 Critical Thinking in the Bible
May 20 Joshua 5,6 Isaiah 10 2 Thessalonians 1,2 one meaning of "spirit" in the Bible; a "strong delusion"
May 21 Joshua 7 Isaiah 11 2 Thessalonians 3 "phenomenal" Bible language; "Appearance of Age"(?)
May 22 Joshua 8 Isaiah 12 1 Timothy 1-3 critiques of YEC and evolution; did Paul believe Eve was literal?
May 23 Joshua 9 Isaiah 13 1 Timothy 4,5 "doctrines of demons", "very good"
May 24 Joshua 10 Isaiah 14 1 Timothy 6 Heliocentrism, Zaphon, "science falsely so called"
May 25 Joshua 11 Isaiah 15 2 Timothy 1 What was foreseen "before the world began"?
May 26 Joshua 12 Isaiah 16 2 Timothy 2 Irreverent babble and Critical thinking
May 27 Joshua 13 Isaiah 17,18 2 Timothy 3,4 prophecies of the old/new creation; "wise unto salvation"
May 28 Joshua 14 Isaiah 19 Titus 1-3 the Cloud Rider, two creations, foolish questions
May 29 Joshua 15 Isaiah 20,21 Philemon
May 30 Joshua 16 Isaiah 22 Hebrews 1,2 the Creator speaks; will the world be destroyed?
May 31 Joshua 17 Isaiah 23 Hebrews 3-5 the promised rest; a childlike faith
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Jun 1 Joshua 18 Isaiah 24 Hebrews 6,7 C C Walker on the age of the earth; geocentrism; the waters above and below
Jun 2 Joshua 19 Isaiah 25 Hebrews 8,9 Does all creation involve trial and error?
Jun 3 Joshua 20,21 Isaiah 26,27 Hebrews 10 Appropriated ancient Creation mythology: Leviathan, killing the Dragon.
Jun 4 Joshua 22 Isaiah 28 Hebrews 11 faith, faith and science, reading literally
Jun 5 Joshua 23,24 Isaiah 29 Hebrews 12 a Christ-based faith
Jun 6 Judges 1 Isaiah 30 Hebrews 13 Biblical and pre-Biblical creation records
Jun 7 Judges 2,3 Isaiah 31 James 1 reading about death in context
Jun 8 Judges 4,5 Isaiah 32 James 2
Jun 9 Judges 6 Isaiah 33 James 3,4 being and behaving in God's image
Jun 10 Judges 7,8 Isaiah 34 James 5 helpfully non-literal scripture
Jun 11 Judges 9 Isaiah 35 1 Peter 1 What was expected before the world began?
Jun 12 Judges 10,11 Isaiah 36 1 Peter 2
Jun 13 Judges 12,13 Isaiah 37 1 Peter 3-5 Children of archetypes; the faithful Creator
Jun 14 Judges 14,15 Isaiah 38 2 Peter 1,2 interpreting Scripture, "private interpretation"
Jun 15 Judges 16 Isaiah 39 2 Peter 3 creations; the earth formed out of water
Jun 16 Judges 17,18 Isaiah 40 1 John 1,2 a very misread Bible passage; how to know that we know what we know?
Jun 17 Judges 19 Isaiah 41 1 John 3,4 a merism; Cain, Abel and the devil; critical thinking required
Jun 18 Judges 20 Isaiah 42 1 John 5 Genesis → Isaiah → Paul
Jun 19 Judges 21 Isaiah 43 2&3 John the three "creation" words; the beginning
Jun 20 Ruth 1,2 Isaiah 44 Jude careful reading needed
Jun 21 Ruth 3,4 Isaiah 45 Revelation 1,2 "Theistic Embryology"? Adam created; the tree of life
Jun 22 1 Samuel 1 Isaiah 46,47 Revelation 3,4 "declaring the end from the beginning"
Jun 23 1 Samuel 2 Isaiah 48 Revelation 5,6 geocentrism, dealing with heliocentrists
Jun 24 1 Samuel 3 Isaiah 49 Revelation 7-9 another man of clay
Jun 25 1 Samuel 4 Isaiah 50 Revelation 10,11 ultimate victory and redemption
Jun 26 1 Samuel 5,6 Isaiah 51 Revelation 12,13 images; a Creation Text; the foundation of the world
Jun 27 1 Samuel 7,8 Isaiah 52 Revelation 14
Jun 28 1 Samuel 9 Isaiah 53 Revelation 15,16 since the earth was replenished?
Jun 29 1 Samuel 10 Isaiah 54 Revelation 17,18 Moving mountains; the foundation of the world
Jun 30 1 Samuel 11,12 Isaiah 55 Revelation 19,20
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Jul 1 1 Samuel 13 Isaiah 56,57 Revelation 21,22 composite NT references; the breath of life; Genesis in Revelation
Jul 2 1 Samuel 14 Isaiah 58 Matthew 1,2
Jul 3 1 Samuel 15 Isaiah 59 Matthew 3,4 children of Abraham — from stones
Jul 4 1 Samuel 16 Isaiah 60 Matthew 5 slaughter of the evolutionists?
Jul 5 1 Samuel 17 Isaiah 61 Matthew 6 science as expression of faith
Jul 6 1 Samuel 18 Isaiah 62 Matthew 7
Jul 7 1 Samuel 19 Isaiah 63 Matthew 8 "very good"
Jul 8 1 Samuel 20 Isaiah 64 Matthew 9 critical thinking, weighing evidence
Jul 9 1 Samuel 21,22 Isaiah 65 Matthew 10 not literal, but "deeper spiritual truths"
Jul 10 1 Samuel 23 Isaiah 66 Matthew 11 Metaphorical language: why? But metaphor doesn't explain everything.
Jul 11 1 Samuel 24 Jeremiah 1 Matthew 12 Do you believe in Theistic Embryology?
Jul 12 1 Samuel 25 Jeremiah 2 Matthew 13 "before the foundation of the world"
Jul 13 1 Samuel 26,27 Jeremiah 3 Matthew 14 What about Theistic Meteorology?
Jul 14 1 Samuel 28 Jeremiah 4 Matthew 15 common and uncommon misreadings
Jul 15 1 Samuel 29,30 Jeremiah 5 Matthew 16 the victory of order over chaos, good over evil
Jul 16 1 Samuel 31 Jeremiah 6 Matthew 17
Jul 17 2 Samuel 1 Jeremiah 7 Matthew 18
Jul 18 2 Samuel 2 Jeremiah 8 Matthew 19 an argument for a literal Eden?
Jul 19 2 Samuel 3 Jeremiah 9 Matthew 20
Jul 20 2 Samuel 4,5 Jeremiah 10 Matthew 21 rewards for non-superficial reading
Jul 21 2 Samuel 6 Jeremiah 11 Matthew 22 a Biblical view of your kidneys and heart
Jul 22 2 Samuel 7 Jeremiah 12 Matthew 23 a house with form and function; talking blood
Jul 23 2 Samuel 8,9 Jeremiah 13 Matthew 24 sudden judgement
Jul 24 2 Samuel 10 Jeremiah 14 Matthew 25 Theistic Meteorology?
Jul 25 2 Samuel 11 Jeremiah 15 Matthew 26 riding on the clouds
Jul 26 2 Samuel 12 Jeremiah 16 Matthew 27
Jul 27 2 Samuel 13 Jeremiah 17 Matthew 28 ancient understanding of what heart and kidneys do
Jul 28 2 Samuel 14 Jeremiah 18 Romans 1,2 Scriptural merisms, God the Potter, and God's two books.
Jul 29 2 Samuel 15 Jeremiah 19 Romans 3,4
Jul 30 2 Samuel 16 Jeremiah 20 Romans 5,6 two words, two thousand years
Jul 31 2 Samuel 17 Jeremiah 21 Romans 7,8 two questions about sin
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Aug 1 2 Samuel 18 Jeremiah 22 Romans 9 Different pots that the Potter makes
Aug 2 2 Samuel 19 Jeremiah 23 Romans 10,11 the Divine Council; New Zealand does not exist: a Scriptural proof!
Aug 3 2 Samuel 20,21 Jeremiah 24 Romans 12 "very good", knowing in heart or brain?
Aug 4 2 Samuel 22 Jeremiah 25 Romans 13,14 literal reading?
Aug 5 2 Samuel 23 Jeremiah 26 Romans 15,16 verses applied to those who accept TE
Aug 6 2 Samuel 24 Jeremiah 27 Mark 1 Help reading Genesis 1:1; how Mark quotes the OT
Aug 7 1 Kings 1 Jeremiah 28 Mark 2 Bible literacy: two interesting cases
Aug 8 1 Kings 2 Jeremiah 29 Mark 3 demons and flat earth: compromises with misbelievers
Aug 9 1 Kings 3 Jeremiah 30 Mark 4 understanding the Bible
Aug 10 1 Kings 4,5 Jeremiah 31 Mark 5 Science, variously understood by 20th Century Christadelphians
Aug 11 1 Kings 6 Jeremiah 32 Mark 6
Aug 12 1 Kings 7 Jeremiah 33 Mark 7 Bible literacy; a perfect man in an imperfect world
Aug 13 1 Kings 8 Jeremiah 34 Mark 8
Aug 14 1 Kings 9 Jeremiah 35 Mark 9
Aug 15 1 Kings 10 Jeremiah 36 Mark 10 putting scriptures together
Aug 16 1 Kings 11 Jeremiah 37 Mark 11
Aug 17 1 Kings 12 Jeremiah 38 Mark 12
Aug 18 1 Kings 13 Jeremiah 39 Mark 13 "endorsement" of particular views?
Aug 19 1 Kings 14 Jeremiah 40 Mark 14
Aug 20 1 Kings 15 Jeremiah 41 Mark 15
Aug 21 1 Kings 16 Jeremiah 42 Mark 16 a question of logic
Aug 22 1 Kings 17 Jeremiah 43 1 Corinthians 1,2 correct Bible reading: some test cases
Aug 23 1 Kings 18 Jeremiah 44 1 Corinthians 3 the best wisdom and the truest foundation
Aug 24 1 Kings 19 Jeremiah 45,46 1 Corinthians 4,5 still, small voices - and loud ones
Aug 25 1 Kings 20 Jeremiah 47 1 Corinthians 6 a lesson in Bible reading from Paul
Aug 26 1 Kings 21 Jeremiah 48 1 Corinthians 7
Aug 27 1 Kings 22 Jeremiah 49 1 Corinthians 8,9 the Divine Council
Aug 28 2 Kings 1,2 Jeremiah 50 1 Corinthians 10 the rock that followed
Aug 29 2 Kings 3 Jeremiah 51 1 Corinthians 11 Creation; End Times; human nature - different from animals?
Aug 30 2 Kings 4 Jeremiah 52 1 Corinthians 12,13 humility when reading the Bible
Aug 31 2 Kings 5 Lamentations 1 1 Corinthians 14
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Sep 1 2 Kings 6 Lamentations 2 1 Corinthians 15 Appropriate translation of idiom; who is "the first man"?
Sep 2 2 Kings 7 Lamentations 3 1 Corinthians 16
Sep 3 2 Kings 8 Lamentations 4 2 Corinthians 1,2
Sep 4 2 Kings 9 Lamentations 5 2 Corinthians 3,4 progress and transformation; literal and metaphorical light; two types of death
Sep 5 2 Kings 10 Ezekiel 1 2 Corinthians 5,7 the firmament, two creations, "made sin for us"
Sep 6 2 Kings 11,12 Ezekiel 2 2 Corinthians 8,9 in the image of God
Sep 7 2 Kings 13 Ezekiel 3 2 Corinthians 10,11 test cases for the need to read literally
Sep 8 2 Kings 14 Ezekiel 4 2 Corinthians 12,13
Sep 9 2 Kings 15 Ezekiel 5 Luke 1
Sep 10 2 Kings 16 Ezekiel 6 Luke 2 ancient biology, modern figure of speech
Sep 11 2 Kings 17 Ezekiel 7 Luke 3 "he created them male and female"?
Sep 12 2 Kings 18 Ezekiel 8 Luke 4
Sep 13 2 Kings 19 Ezekiel 9 Luke 5
Sep 14 2 Kings 20 Ezekiel 10 Luke 6 who believed in unclean spirits?
Sep 15 2 Kings 21 Ezekiel 11 Luke 7 different times, different beliefs - does it matter?
Sep 16 2 Kings 22,23 Ezekiel 12 Luke 8
Sep 17 2 Kings 24,25 Ezekiel 13 Luke 9 the (apparently) demon-possessed boy: should we make allowances for ancient beliefs?
Sep 18 1 Chronicles 1 Ezekiel 14 Luke 10 A hermaphrodite Adam? Is fiction ever true? "Endorsement."
Sep 19 1 Chronicles 2 Ezekiel 15 Luke 11 More demon possession: how to write for Theophilus; how to read the Bible!
Sep 20 1 Chronicles 3 Ezekiel 16 Luke 12
Sep 21 1 Chronicles 4 Ezekiel 17 Luke 13,14 Luke's technical medical language
Sep 22 1 Chronicles 5 Ezekiel 18 Luke 15 is there only ever individual responsibility?
Sep 23 1 Chronicles 6 Ezekiel 19 Luke 16 non-literal genealogies; argument from "endorsement"
Sep 24 1 Chronicles 7 Ezekiel 20 Luke 17 non-literal text in Scripture
Sep 25 1 Chronicles 8 Ezekiel 21 Luke 18
Sep 26 1 Chronicles 9 Ezekiel 22 Luke 19
Sep 27 1 Chronicles 10 Ezekiel 23 Luke 20 Humankind made "in the image of God"
Sep 28 1 Chronicles 11 Ezekiel 24 Luke 21
Sep 29 1 Chronicles 12 Ezekiel 25 Luke 22
Sep 30 1 Chronicles 13,14 Ezekiel 26 Luke 23
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Oct 1 1 Chronicles 15 Ezekiel 27 Luke 24
Oct 2 1 Chronicles 16 Ezekiel 28 Galatians 1,2 a curse against perverters of the Gospel
Oct 3 1 Chronicles 17 Ezekiel 29 Galatians 3,4 the Dragon in the Sea; composite quotations; literal and figurative creation
Oct 4 1 Chronicles 18,19 Ezekiel 30 Galatians 5,6 fellowship in Christ; two creations in the Bible
Oct 5 1 Chronicles 20,21 Ezekiel 31 Ephesians 1,2 before the foundation of the world; creating a new humanity
Oct 6 1 Chronicles 22 Ezekiel 32 Ephesians 3,4 lament for a legend; a secret creation; mature doctrine; a personal new creation
Oct 7 1 Chronicles 23 Ezekiel 33 Ephesians 5,6 compressed genealogy; literal and figurative language; a "great mystery"
Oct 8 1 Chronicles 24,25 Ezekiel 34 Philippians 1,2 culture-bound psychological terms in the Bible
Oct 9 1 Chronicles 26 Ezekiel 35 Philippians 3,4 humankind to be in the image of God; the path to virtue
Oct 10 1 Chronicles 27 Ezekiel 36 John 1 Echoes of Genesis
Oct 11 1 Chronicles 28 Ezekiel 37 John 2,3 A vision of not-quite-real people. What is life? What is the Gospel?
Oct 12 1 Chronicles 29 Ezekiel 38 John 4 Transnational symbols of evil? Not demons, monsters!
Oct 13 2 Chronicles 1,2 Ezekiel 39 John 5 Sincerity and enthusiasm: a good start for Bible students
Oct 14 2 Chronicles 3,4 Ezekiel 40 John 6
Oct 15 2 Chronicles 5,6 Ezekiel 41 John 7
Oct 16 2 Chronicles 7 Ezekiel 42 John 8 correct thinking
Oct 17 2 Chronicles 8 Ezekiel 43 John 9,10 a rabbinical interpretation of Psalm 82
Oct 18 2 Chronicles 9 Ezekiel 44 John 11
Oct 19 2 Chronicles 10,11 Ezekiel 45 John 12 speaking in signs and symbols
Oct 20 2 Chronicles 12,13 Ezekiel 46 John 13,14 What is truth? Jesus' own answer.
Oct 21 2 Chronicles 14,15 Ezekiel 47 John 15,16
Oct 22 2 Chronicles 16,17 Ezekiel 48 John 17,18 before time began; fair argument
Oct 23 2 Chronicles 18,19 Daniel 1 John 19 wisdom and science
Oct 24 2 Chronicles 20 Daniel 2 John 20,21
Oct 25 2 Chronicles 21,22 Daniel 3 Acts 1 hours, days, and epochs
Oct 26 2 Chronicles 23 Daniel 4 Acts 2 moments for literal readers in both OT readings
Oct 27 2 Chronicles 24 Daniel 5 Acts 3,4 different perspectives on the world in the Old and New Testaments
Oct 28 2 Chronicles 25 Daniel 6 Acts 5,6
Oct 29 2 Chronicles 26,27 Daniel 7 Acts 7 the Messiah's mission
Oct 30 2 Chronicles 28 Daniel 8 Acts 8
Oct 31 2 Chronicles 29 Daniel 9 Acts 9
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Nov 1 2 Chronicles 30 Daniel 10 Acts 10
Nov 2 2 Chronicles 31 Daniel 11 Acts 11,12
Nov 3 2 Chronicles 32 Daniel 12 Acts 13 ancient firmament, modern diffraction
Nov 4 2 Chronicles 33 Hosea 1 Acts 14,15 everyday "theistic" science
Nov 5 2 Chronicles 34 Hosea 2 Acts 16,17 the "Berean spirit", "of one blood"
Nov 6 2 Chronicles 35 Hosea 3 Acts 18,19
Nov 7 2 Chronicles 36 Hosea 4 Acts 20
Nov 8 Ezra 1,2 Hosea 5 Acts 21,22
Nov 9 Ezra 3,4 Hosea 6 Acts 23,24 metaphorical days?
Nov 10 Ezra 5,6 Hosea 7 Acts 25,26 a phrase of Luke's that has worried translators
Nov 11 Ezra 7 Hosea 8 Acts 27
Nov 12 Ezra 8 Hosea 9 Acts 28
Nov 13 Ezra 9 Hosea 10 Colossians 1 two creations in the Bible
Nov 14 Ezra 10 Hosea 11 Colossians 2 Beware "philosophy"!
Nov 15 Nehemiah 1,2 Hosea 12 Colossians 3,4 truthfulness; the second creation
Nov 16 Nehemiah 3 Hosea 13 1 Thessalonians 1,2
Nov 17 Nehemiah 4 Hosea 14 1 Thessalonians 3,4
Nov 18 Nehemiah 5,6 Joel 1 1 Thessalonians 5 "prove all things" — all things?
Nov 19 Nehemiah 7 Joel 2 2 Thessalonians 1,2 strong delusion and lie
Nov 20 Nehemiah 8 Joel 3 2 Thessalonians 3
Nov 21 Nehemiah 9 Amos 1 1 Timothy 1-3 key passages for controversialists; Paul's idea of Eve
Nov 22 Nehemiah 10 Amos 2 1 Timothy 4,5 Did Jesus believe in demons? Is everything good?
Nov 23 Nehemiah 11 Amos 3 1 Timothy 6 "science falsely so called"
Nov 24 Nehemiah 12 Amos 4 2 Timothy 1 ongoing creation; the beginning of salvation by grace
Nov 25 Nehemiah 13 Amos 5 2 Timothy 2 avoiding "irreverent babble"
Nov 26 Esther 1 Amos 6 2 Timothy 3,4 lives inspired by inspired Scripture
Nov 27 Esther 2 Amos 7 Titus 1-3 When was eternal life first promised?
Nov 28 Esther 3,4 Amos 8 Philemon
Nov 29 Esther 5,6 Amos 9 Hebrews 1,2 "before the foundation of the world" — and Leviathan!
Nov 30 Esther 7,8 Obadiah Hebrews 3-5 a journey to promised "rest"; childish or child-like?
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Please note: these discussion points are not comprehensive! They only touch on Bible-and-Science matters relevant to this wiki.

Dec 1 Esther 9,10 Jonah 1 Hebrews 6,7 An unusual reading of Job
Dec 2 Job 1,2 Jonah 2,3 Hebrews 8,9 God's divine council, Cosmology, the New Covenant
Dec 3 Job 3,4 Jonah 4 Hebrews 10 Echos of Genesis in Job
Dec 4 Job 5 Micah 1 Hebrews 11 faith and knowledge — and implications for science
Dec 5 Job 6,7 Micah 2 Hebrews 12 "the author of our faith"
Dec 6 Job 8 Micah 3,4 Hebrews 13
Dec 7 Job 9 Micah 5 James 1 The heavens unfurled; reading in context
Dec 8 Job 10 Micah 6 James 2 made from clay by God's own hands
Dec 9 Job 11 Micah 7 James 3,4 living up to being made in God's image
Dec 10 Job 12 Nahum 1,2 James 5 a new exodus
Dec 11 Job 13 Nahum 3 1 Peter 1 What was expected before the world began?
Dec 12 Job 14 Habakkuk 1 1 Peter 2
Dec 13 Job 15 Habakkuk 2 1 Peter 3-5 Sarah's gentile daughters; the faithful Creator
Dec 14 Job 16,17 Habakkuk 3 2 Peter 1,2 interpreting Scripture
Dec 15 Job 18,19 Zephaniah 1 2 Peter 3 the earth created out of water; a new heavens and earth
Dec 16 Job 20 Zephaniah 2 1 John 1,2 the undignified end of the man of earth; beginning with light
Dec 17 Job 21 Zephaniah 3 1 John 3,4 Did John read the Bible literally? Critical thinking
Dec 18 Job 22 Haggai 1 John 5 the sky: solid, soft, or an illusion?
Dec 19 Job 23,24 Zechariah 1 2&3 John the beginning; partaking of evil deeds
Dec 20 Job 25-27 Zechariah 2,3 Jude Zaphon, Rehab, Leviathan . . . !
Dec 21 Job 28 Zechariah 4,5 Revelation 1,2 Two or four scientists? One tree, three contexts.
Dec 22 Job 29,30 Zechariah 6,7 Revelation 3,4
Dec 23 Job 31,32 Zechariah 8 Revelation 5,6 God's works; Adam, spirit and breath
Dec 24 Job 33 Zechariah 9 Revelation 7-9 a horror of great darkness
Dec 25 Job 34 Zechariah 10 Revelation 10,11 spirit and breath
Dec 26 Job 35,36 Zechariah 11 Revelation 12,13 war in heaven; the old serpent; "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world"
Dec 27 Job 37 Zechariah 12 Revelation 14 the Firmament
Dec 28 Job 38 Zechariah 13 Revelation 15,16 when literal reading fails; the four sources of light; humankind or Adam and Eve?
Dec 29 Job 39 Malachi 1 Revelation 17,18 before the foundation of the world
Dec 30 Job 40 Malachi 2 Revelation 19,20 poetry; mythology; Behemoth
Dec 31 Job 41,42 Malachi 3,4 Revelation 21,22 nephesh; humility; the Tree of Life
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